Wonderland – Wonder of Fears on Audio

Jennifer Hillier. Y’all have no idea my trek to purchase this book was 1-2 years ago. 😂 So, I settled for the ebook and then of course never read it. Then @macmillan.audio said “hey girl, we got you. Here’s an audiobook by one of your faves, Eunice Wong” (clearly, these are my words but I imagine them saying this because they know I love them) and in the year 2023, I am happy to say it has been finished.⁣

First and foremost, when it comes to audiobook narration: Eunice Wong does no wrong. Say it with me people. She’s phenomenal. She gave me the gritty and also grotesque in the best way possible. I sometimes forget she’s just one reader because she can full cast like it’s nobody business.⁣

The plot. The atmospheric vibe. The absolute creep factor. Top notch. You figure out the killer fairly quickly, but, there’s so much going on, that everyone is to blame in some way. So while your initial guess may not be right, the person you do think did it ends up sucking anyways. ⁣

I will say somewhere in between the middle, it does get a bit redundant and lost my interest for a minute. I’m all for laying down a solid foundation for detective work, there was a lot that could have moved faster.⁣

Hillier does it again. I hate clowns. I loved Wonderland. Audio releases April 11th! Thanks again @macmillan.audio

QOTD: What kind of theme park person are you? Are you the thrill rider? The kiddie rider? The holds the coats person? The foodie? ⁣

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